Image of Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger

Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger
CEO DFKI & Director UMTL

Image of Gundula Kleiner

Gundula Kleiner
CEO & UMTL Office

Image of Iris Lambrecht

Iris Lambrecht
CEO & UMTL Office

Post-Doctoral Researchers

Image of Dr. Florian Daiber

Dr. Florian Daiber

Image of Dr. Pascal Lessel

Dr. Pascal Lessel

Image of Dr. Dimitar Valkov

Dr. Dimitar Valkov

Image of Dr. André Zenner

Dr. André Zenner

Doctoral Researchers

Image of  Margarita Chikobava

Margarita Chikobava

Image of  Martin Feick

Martin Feick

Image of  Amr Gomaa

Amr Gomaa

Image of  Julian Groß

Julian Groß

Image of  Anke Hirsch

Anke Hirsch

Image of  Frederic Kerber

Frederic Kerber

Image of  Gian-Luca Kiefer

Gian-Luca Kiefer

Image of  Niko Kleer

Niko Kleer

Image of  Nina Knieriemen

Nina Knieriemen

Image of  Felix Kosmalla

Felix Kosmalla

Image of  Erum Manzoor

Erum Manzoor

Image of  Marc Schubhan

Marc Schubhan

Image of  Mansi Sharma

Mansi Sharma

Image of  Xinrong Wang

Xinrong Wang

Image of  Julian Wolter

Julian Wolter

External Doctoral Researchers

Image of Mina Ameli

Mina Ameli

Image of Chirag Bhuvaneshwara

Chirag Bhuvaneshwara

Image of Ulf Brackmann

Ulf Brackmann

Image of Frederik Wiehr

Frederik Wiehr

Junior Researchers

Image of Muhammad Moiz Sakha

Muhammad Moiz Sakha

Associated Members

Image of Michael Barz

Michael Barz

Image of Dr. Michael Feld

Dr. Michael Feld

Image of Dr. Denise Kahl

Dr. Denise Kahl

Image of Xenia Klinge

Xenia Klinge

Image of Dr. Sönke Knoch

Dr. Sönke Knoch

Image of Dr. Marcel Köster

Dr. Marcel Köster

Image of Dr. Philipp Müller

Dr. Philipp Müller

Image of Dr. Maurice Rekrut

Dr. Maurice Rekrut

Image of Dr. Tim Schwartz

Dr. Tim Schwartz

Image of Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Moniri

Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Moniri

Image of Dr. Michael Schmitz

Dr. Michael Schmitz

Image of Dr. Soenke Zehle

Dr. Soenke Zehle


Image of Prof. Dr. Maximilian Altmeyer

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Altmeyer

Image of Prof. Dr. Matthias Böhmer

Prof. Dr. Matthias Böhmer

Image of Prof. Dr. Donald Degraen

Prof. Dr. Donald Degraen

Image of Tim Düwel

Tim Düwel

Image of Dr. Benedict Fehringer

Dr. Benedict Fehringer

Image of Dr. Lukas Flohr

Dr. Lukas Flohr

Image of Prof. Dr. Sven Gehring

Prof. Dr. Sven Gehring

Image of Dr. Nico Herbig

Dr. Nico Herbig

Image of Vladislav Hnatovskiy

Vladislav Hnatovskiy

Image of Dr. Ralf Jung

Dr. Ralf Jung

Image of Dr. Gerrit Kahl

Dr. Gerrit Kahl

Image of Dr. Christian Lander

Dr. Christian Lander

Image of Tobias Leidinger

Tobias Leidinger

Image of Prof. Dr. Markus Löchtefeld

Prof. Dr. Markus Löchtefeld

Image of Jayesh Mahapatra

Jayesh Mahapatra

Image of Akhmajon Makhsadov

Akhmajon Makhsadov

Image of Kalliopi Meladaki

Kalliopi Meladaki

Image of Marc Müller

Marc Müller

Image of Christian Murlowski

Christian Murlowski

Image of Dr. Frederic Raber

Dr. Frederic Raber

Image of Guillermo Reyes

Guillermo Reyes

Image of Anna Milena Rothermel

Anna Milena Rothermel

Image of Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning

Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning

Image of Dr. Lübomira Spassova

Dr. Lübomira Spassova

Image of Prof. Dr. Marco Speicher

Prof. Dr. Marco Speicher