Please see this page.
Please see this page.
You can print your thesis for example at the Computer Science Students' Representative Council of Saarland University
If you need a 4.0 certificate you must do multiple things upfront to ensure to get the certificate as soon as possible. Please note that we will only create a 4.0 certificate, if the following aspects have been done:
(1) You have handed-in your thesis correctly.
(2) The thesis has been sent to us officially (physical/digital) by the examination office [please note, the physical copy might need some time to reach us - this can take up to 10 days]. You might be able to reduce this time by asking the examination office to provide the reviewers the official link to the electronic version of your thesis right away. However, how fast this happens, is not something that we can influence.
(3) You have defended your thesis (you might want to clarify with your second reviewer about a specific defense for them or whether they want to join ours). Keep in mind that our defenses should happen early on (see thesis defense page).
(4) You gave the reviewer enough time to check the thesis.
If you need to have a 4.0 certificate at a specific date, please inform your advisor 2 months in advance about this and plan the above points accordingly. Still, it will be impossible to get a 4.0 certificate fast. This means that if you plan to hand-in your thesis at the last day of the semester, you will not be able to get the certificate the day after. This especially means: if you want to start a job at 1.4 or 1.10 and your employer wants to see that you have completed your studies beforehand through a “Fertig-Bescheinigung”, you have to hand-in your thesis much earlier to ensure that the 4.0 certificates can be issued in time.
Yes, you can work at the company longer than required, but there will be no additional credit points.
Please note, that the mandatory internship covers only 600 hours.
Yes, the internship must approved by the chair of the examining board (Prof. Krüger). For the procedure see this page.
The employer just has to provide a document that contains the name of the company, the name of the intern and the information that it was an internship, the department/area you have worked at (e.g. software development, interaction design, etc.), at least two sentences what you actually did during the internship, the duration of the internship (when the internship started, when it ended and your weekly working time), how many hours the internship overall covered (reminder: the internship needs to cover at least 600 hours) and a signature of a person that is responsible for staff matters (e.g. internship supervisor, HR department, etc.).
No, you can just attend the talks and confirm the participation by signature (in the digital formats of the seminar, you write an e-mail to the internship contact person).
A dedicated calendar will be used to announce the practical phase seminar talks. All future internship seminar talks will be announced only using the following calendar:
There will be NO announcements concerning any talks via the mailing lists in the future.
So please use one of the following options to keep you updated:
- If you have an Google Account, you can add the calendars to yours. Then you can also activate mail notifications to be automatically informed on updates.
- If not (and you do not want to create one) you could also always check this webpage.
For more information please refer to this page.
The practical phase and the practical phase seminar need to be done to finish the block "internship phase" (cf. the study regulation). We will provide you with two certificates: 1) The ungraded practical phase certificate and 2) the graded practical phase seminar certificate.
The ungraded practical phase certificate can be handed out as soon as you have finished your internship and provided the certificate of the employer.
The graded practical phase seminar certificate can be handed out after you gave your own practical phase talk and attended three other practical phase talks.
Optimally, you request both certificates at once (i.e., after having attended 3 seminar talks and have given the own presentation), for doing this you would bring the employer certificate shortly before you want to pick-up both certificates (~1-2 weeks).
In all cases, you need to contact
Attach the employer certificate and provide your student ID data.
The salary is in the responsibility of the employer.