Frederic Kerber
Doctoral Researcher
Research Interests
SmartwatchesWrist-worn devicesWearablesInput and output for small devicesSame-Side InteractionGesture sensingSelected Publications (Full text access provided)
- Investigating Current Techniques for Opposite-Hand Smartwatch Interaction
- User-Independent Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Surface Electromyography
- Understanding Same-Side Interactions with Wrist-Worn Devices
- Managing Smartwatch Notifications through Filtering and Ambient Illumination
- Investigating Interaction Techniques for State-of-the-Art Smartwatches
- EMPress: Practical Hand Gesture Classification with Wrist-Mounted EMG and Pressure Sensing
- WristRotate: a Personalized Motion Gesture Delimiter for Wrist-Worn Devices
- Same-side Hand Interactions with Arm-placed Devices Using EMG
- Investigating the Effectiveness of Peephole Interaction for Smartwatches in a Map Navigation Task
- Seminar: Developing Cloud Software using SAP Technology (SS 2022)
- Proseminar: Recent Topics in HCI (WS 2019/20)
- Seminar: Design and Evaluation of Ubiquitous Technology in Sports (WS 2017/18)
- Proseminar: Recent Topics in HCI (WS 2017/18)
- Seminar: Wearable Computing - From Idea to Prototype (WS 2015/16)
- Seminar: Gamified Life: Integration of Gamification elements into everyday life (WS 2014/15)
- Ubiquitous Media (SS 2014)
- Seminar: From analog to digital: Moving from paper-based artifacts to digital counterparts (WS 2013/14)
- Ubiquitous Media (SS 2013)
- User Interface Design (SS 2013)
- Proseminar: Programmierung mobiler Geräte mit Android (WS 2012/13)
Publications ()