Design and Evaluation of Ubiquitous Technology in Sports


Especially runners and cyclists have a variety of possibilities to record and analyze their workouts. However most of the existing approaches allow for an analysis only after the workout and athletes cannot interact with the system throughout their actual workout.

In this seminar we will go beyond those existing approaches and aim to design interactive sports experiences that rely on all sorts of wearable technologies such as smart watches and fitness trackers, heart rate and EMG sensors, smart phones and smart glasses but also DIY tracking technology. The seminar further aims to broaden the scope of ubiquitous sports tracking. Besides running and cycling other sports such as badminton, climbing, or parkour will be addressed as well.

The seminar will be held in English.

Learning Goals

In this seminar you will

  1. learn about the design and evaluation of ubiquitous sports technologies
  2. design an interactive system for sports which keeps HCI principles in mind and
  3. do a small evaluation of your prototype



After the Kick-off you will assemble in groups of three and chose a predefined (or, after agreement your own) topic for your project. This is followed by a brain-storming session which is moderated by one of the organizers. The ideas from the brain-storming sessions will be refined within the individual groups, resulting in a project proposal. This proposal will be presented to all seminar participants and the organizers. 

During the course of the seminar you will build the prototoype and present the current state of your system during a mid-term presentation. At the end of the seminar you will present your prototype including the results of a small evluation which you will have to conduct.


Dates and Location

Date What Where
04.10.2017 Registration open
17.10.2017, 23:59 Registration closes  
19.10.2017 Notification of acceptance via mail
23.10.2017, 14-16 c.t. Kick-Off (Slides) D3.2 DFKI, Raum Reuse, HG -2.17
06.11.2017, 14-16 c.t. Moderated Brain Storming D3.2 DFKI, Raum Turing I and Turing II, NB +2.30
20.11.2017, 14-16 c.t. Project proposal presentations D3.2 DFKI, Raum Turing I, NB +2.30
27.11.2017, 23:59:59 Project proposal submission Template
08.01.2018, 14-16 c.t. Mid-term presentations  D3.2 DFKI, Raum Reuse, HG -2.17
09.04.2018, 14-16 c.t. Final presentations  D3.2 DFKI, Raum Reuse, HG -2.17



We ask you to write a small motivational letter why you would like to attend the seminar.

Application closes on the 17th of October and we will notify about your acceptance on the 19th of October. To be accepted to the seminar the attendance on the Kick-Off is mandatory.



Florian Daiber, Frederic Kerber, Felix Kosmalla, Frederik Wiehr