Seminar: Developing Cloud Software using SAP Technology

Type Seminar (7 CP)
Time Thursdays, 10am to 12pm
Kickoff 28 Apr 2022
Location Online
Language English
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The terms Cloud as well as Cloud Computing are already around for years. In simple words, a Cloud describes a network of systems that are operated elsewhere. Usually, you use a Cloud to store data, e.g. Dropbox, Google Docs, whereas the structure and basic functionality of the underlying systems is irrelevant. Cloud Computing describes the usage of the infrastructure of aCloud and leverage its capabilities like computational power to do complex tasks, e.g. train a machine learning model. 

Nowadays, there is a variety of Cloud Computing Services: 

  • IaaS = Infrastructure as a Service (server & storage, network & security) 

  • PaaS = Platform as a Service (databases, runtimes, analytics) 

  • SaaS = Software as a Service (applications for end users) 

In this seminar, we deal with Software as a Service by developing Cloud ready software.We will learn about the advantages of Cloud Computing and provide different topics for hands-on development. As one example to run such software, we will use the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) for deploymentand use the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP  


The seminar will be offered by the Chair for Media Informatics in collaboration with SAP. 

DFKI: Felix Kosmalla, Frederic Kerber, Maximilian Altmeyer (firstname.lastname at

SAP: Dr. Christian Lander (firstname.lastname at


We will have 3 groups of max. 4 students, who will work on the same topic. We provide 5 different topics(equal in complexity) for which you can apply. We will try to assign topics according to your preferences. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be assigned your preferred topic:

  1. Intelligent fresh food system 
    An apple a day keeps the doctor away! To have access to these life-saving apples, the aim of this project is to develop a self-checkout system for an intelligent fruit crate. The crate itself can register movement of fruit, i.e. restocking and removal of items. Besides handling (simulated) payment of produce, the system should also do some housekeeping and notify staff in case of problems or need of restocking.


  1. Urban Farming system 
    Urban Farming covers the variety of producing your own food in urban areas. The main challenge is to support the amateur gardenersin how to care about their fruits and vegetables.Basically, the gardener must take care about one or more greenhouses containing a variety of food and plantsto successfully harvest something.  
    Therefore, various tasks, such as regulating the temperature, the humidity and water levelmust be taken care of.They also must weed the greenhouse for example. The more different plants are contained the more complex the tasks will get. Since the gardener is at amateur level, he/she might have to be reminded on what to do at what time. Learning from other gardeners which already reached another level can also help to increase the own feature set. 

  1. Pick-Up system for (click & collect) 
    Instead of going into a physical store to buy products which are required to prepare a meal or dinner this evening, many people are using click & collect systems. 
    Some retailers are providing a catalog of recipes, which can be chosen by the end customer. According to the chosen recipe a digital shopping basket will be generated, containing all products required to prepare the meal. If the customer decides to proceed to the checkout, the retail store where he/she wants to pick up the products is chosen and the availability of the products has to be checked and some might have to be replaced by alternatives. 
    When issuing the order, a store employee will be notified to assemble the products so that the customer can pick them up. 

  1. Window Shopping 
    Local retail stores are increasingly including alternative interfaces for end customers to buy food & stuff. A prominent technique is so called window shopping, where a display is placed behind the shop window. On this display a variety of articles is shown. The customer can use the mobile phone as a virtual pointer to browse the articles and select some to put it into a virtual shopping basket (an alternative interaction could be realized via gesture control). The virtual shopping basket is connected to the stores online shop, i.e. the customer is probably known to the store via a loyalty program for example. Proceeding to the web checkout will issue an order of the selected articles, that will be sent to the customer’s home or made available through a click&collect process. With window shopping it is possible to use the smallest possible physical space for the shop to present a variety of articles and offer shopping outside of the usual opening hours. 

  1. Queuing system for fresh food counter 
    Fresh food counters are belonging to the standard inventory of a classical retail store. There, the end customer talks to a store employee who assembles a custom set of fresh cheese or meat according to the customer’s wishes. 
    Usually this is a place in the store, where many customers are queuing up and have to wait until an employee deals with their ordering. 
    An intelligent queuing system could register acustomer in a virtual queue which is processed according to meta information such as customers’ location inside the store. The shopper / customer can register at the counter and can receive a physical paper receipt or a digital one. The waiting time can be estimated including information about waiting customers, so that he/she can potentially look up other products already. A notification in case of a digital receipt is generated as soon as the waiting time comes to an end (considering the customers location in the store and the number of shoppers in the waiting queue). 


Dates and Time

During the semester we will have mandatory meetings - for dates with an ungraded deliverable you will have one "hall pass", i.e. you can miss it, no questions asked. Participation in the kickoff is mandatory. For all other dates, we require a sick note. While we will not meet every week, the timeslot will always be Thursday 10am to 12pm. This means that you should not plan another lecture or seminar in this timeslot. Please see the table below for the planned schedule:


DateTopicAudienceSlides, Link, etc.
28.04.22  Kickoff  All  Slides
 05.05.22  Intro 1  All  Meeting Link
 12.05.22  Intro 2 All  Meeting Link
19.05.22  Intro 3 All  Meeting Link
CW 21 – 24 Design & Implementation Each group on their own  
23.06.22 Midterm presentation All  
CW 26 – 28 UI Implementation, Corrections Each group on their own  
21.07.22 Final presentation All  

It is mandatory to attend all meetings to pass the seminar. We will require a doctors note in case of sickness. 


Please register for the seminar here