Research Interests
Machine LearningAffective ComputingSocial Signal ProcessingFurther Topics for BSc / MSc Theses
If the above topics are not a good fit for you, I'm open to your suggestions, if they are in my area of interest. More specifically, a good topic fits to one of these categories:
- Computational models of emotion
- Social signal processing using machine learning approaches
- Affective computing study design tools such as Visual Scenemaker
If you contact me, please add a one pager describing your idea.
- How to build a social computer WS 22/23
- Machine Learning for Social Signal Processing SS 22
Ongoing / Finished Theses
- Attachment style recognition in dyadic human-agent interaction with multimodla deep learning models (Ongoing, Master)
- Automated machine learning based affect analysis in human-virtual agent dyadic interactions (Ongoing, Master)
Academic Services
Reviewer: ACM Mltimediate'22 Challenge, ACM Multimediate'23 Challenge